Applied Customer Insight


Applied Customer Insight – making your business a customer intelligent organisation.

Wouldn’t it be great to know your customers and apply their insight into your daily business operations? Well now you can – with Applied Customer Insight (ACI) your organization can now capture, interpret and act upon data acquired from multiple places where your customers engage. The digital world today is extremely social. This is where organizations like yours need IT and marketing to work together in order to succeed.

Using deep rooted insights, we deliver practical advice and creative solutions in every discipline to give your consumers that supremely tailored customer experience.

Our collaborative approach enables you to become more agile and respond quickly to new challenges and consumer behaviour. We are the only organization to collaborate with an industry leading communications group to deliver the proposition.

This is why we are capable of delivering an end to end solution that encompasses the best analytics and social collaboration tools – bringing your customer closer to you and all your business functions. We help you align your whole organization towards delivering a great customer experience and predicting market opportunities.

Our ACI solution is based on the combination of the three following propositions:

  • Customer Analytics (Capture) – Data is sourced from marketing campaigns, customer interface analytics, transactional behaviour, social media, open source and other digital channels (referred to as ‘Big Data’).
  • Customer Intelligent organisation (Interpret) – Data is interpreted into valuable insights which are then ‘injected’ back into your supply chain, R&D, manufacturing, CRM, service delivery and other core business processes creating what we call the Customer Intelligent Organisation.
  • Customer Management (Act) – Acting upon this insight, you are empowered to deliver an optimised and consistent real-time customer experience across all touchpoints building trust and advocacy.